Soccer player hist by lightening Copa Perú, Joao Contreras

2014-12-14 117

A terrifying moment happened for Joao Contreras Fuentes a soccer player for Sport Aguila — a Peruvian national soccer club.

And the whole thing was captured on video!!!

The incident happened during the second half of play this past Tuesday when a lightning bolt appears and strikes the young soccer player. And it happened SO quickly that only a puff of smoke appears around the young man who subsequently crumples to the ground.

Initially the report from Peru was that the young athlete had died, but actually he survived and he knows it's a blessing that he did!

He recently said:

"It's a miracle that I survived the impact from a lightning strike. The doctors told me that I've had a lot of luck."

Sometimes it's better to be lucky than anything else!

And after watching this footage — it's clear this soccer player is lucky to be alive!!!

We're glad he's OK. Hopefully something like this never happens again.

The odds would seem to be against it, but the odds were also against something like this ever happening!