ins makina concrete batching plants - beton santralleri - centrales a beton

2014-12-13 60

İns makina Concrete Batching Plants – Beton Santralleri
Ürünlerimiz / Продукция / Products / منتجاتنا

Sabit beton santralleri (35-60-100-120-150-180-240 m³/h kapasitelerde)
Стационарные бетонные заводы (35-60-100-120-150-180-240 м³/ч)
Stationary Concrete Batching Plants (with 35-60-100-120-150-180-240 m³/h capacity)
محطات خلط ثابتة ( بسعة 35 – 60 – 100 – 120 – 150 – 180 – 240 م³ / سا )

Mobil beton santralleri (35-60-100-120-135-160 m³/h kapasitelerde)
Мобильные бетонные заводы (35-60-100-120-135-160 м³/ч)
Mobile Concrete Batching Plants (with 35-60-100-120-135-160 m³/h capacity)
محطات خلط متحركة ( بسعة 35 – 60 – 100 – 120 – 135 – 160 م³ / سا )

Portatif (kuru tip) beton santralleri (70-100-120 m³/h kapasitelerde)
Портативные бетонные заводы (70-100-120 м³/ч)
Portable (dry type) concrete batching plants ( with 70-100-120 m³/h capacity)
محطات بيتون مضغوطة (نوع جاف) ( بسعة 70 – 100 – 120 م³ / سا )

Mikserler (single shaft,Twin shaft,planet,pan)
Бетоносместители (Одновальные, Двухвальные, Пан, Планетарные)
Mixers (single shaft, twin shaft, planetary, pan)
خلطات ( أحادية المحور – ثنائية المحور – كوكبية – بان )

-Single shaft mikserler (0,5-1-1,5-2 m³ kapasitelerde)
Одновальные сместители (0,5-1-1,5-2 м³)
Single shaft mixers (with 0,5-1-1,5-2 capacity)
خلطات أحادية المحور ( 0.5 – 1 – 1.5 – 2 م³ )

-Twin shaft mikserler (1-2-3-4-5-6 m³ kapasitelerde)
Двухвальные сместители (1-2-3-4-5-6 м³)
Twin shaft mixers (with 1-2-3-4-5-6 m³ capacity)
خلطات ثنائية المحور ( 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 م³ )

-Planet mikserler (0,5-1-1,5-2-2,5-3 m³ kapasitelerde)
Планетарные сместители (0,5-1-1,5-2-2,5-3 м³)
Planetary mixers (with 0,5-1-1,5-2-2,5-3 m³ capacity)
خلطات كوكبية ( 0.5 – 1– 1.5 – 2 – 2.5 – 3 م³ )

-Pan mikserler (0,5-1-2 m³ kapasitelerde)
Пан сместители (0,5-1-2 м³)
Pan type mixers (with 0,5-1-2 m³ capacity)
خلطات بان ( 0.5 – 1 – 2 م³ )

Mekanik plant tesisleri
Механические заводы
Mechanical Plants
محطات ميكانيكية

Paketleme tesisleri
Упаковочные заводы
Packaging Plants
محطات التعبئة والتغليف

INS MAKINA is one of exporters who manufactures stationary and mobile concrete batching plants. We are pleased for our products which gives satisfaction and benefit to our customers. Our products are hardwearing, durable, and high performance as against equivalents due to our detailed projects and applications on production process. For customers own good we apply bolted system which is advantageous for transportation and installation. Our company which brings new products to sector with its quality, specifications, spare part and maintenance advantages, presents you different and special concrete plants.

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