Violence breaks out as Haitians rally to oust Martelly's government

2014-12-13 11


Violence broke out near the Haitian president palace after scores of demonstrators marched towards it on Friday (December 12) to protest against the government of President Michel Martelly as tensions mount over an electoral impasse.

U.N. officials fired at the crowd of protesters who pushed past barricades near the Port-au-Prince palace.

The Obama administration and the United Nations are pressuring Haiti's government to resolve a long-festering dispute over postponed elections in the face of anti-government protests across the impoverished Caribbean country.

The clock is ticking, with the terms of senators and lower house representatives ending on January 12. A lack of agreement by then would effectively dissolve parliament, and would likely set off a national political crisis.

Legislative and municipal elections have been held up by a dispute between Martelly's government and a group of opposition senators over details