First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi’s Report about the work of the SOS telephone for children and youth 0800 1 2222 (toll free line) and the services for direct help and support of the children in the period between January 2014 and 30th November 2014.
General conclusions from the work of the SOS telephone for children and youth 0800 1 2222 and of the services for direct help and support
In the period from January until December 2014, on the SOS telephone for children and youth there are 102 registered contacts *. With the further communication with them, there are total of 123 contacts. The purpose of this further communication is to inform the persons about the measures undertaken by us, about the responses from the relevant institutions and about further development in the reported case.
Total number of register callers in the mentioned period is 102 of which only 2 were children who called in order to inform themselves about their rights or to inform us about certain problems they are facing with.
Based on the information which we received regarding possible violation of the children’s rights and which information are structured according to the number of children involved in these cases, there is total number of 146 children with doubt for violation of some of their children’s rights.
The received data shows that poverty is one of the biggest problem which children and their families are facing with. This fact signals that the financial and the social condition of the families is significantly difficult and requires bigger attention and support by the relevant institutions in order to prevent any further violations of the children’s rights.
Most characteristic information about the children who are involved in the reported cases at the Children’s Embassy Megjashi regarding violation of the children’s rights are the following:
• Poverty – 55 children from the total number of children involved in the reported cases at the Children’s Embassy Megjashi leave on the edge of poverty, in substandard living conditions.
• Family violence – 16 children from the total number of children involved in the reported cases were potential victims , unprotected and exposed to violence in within their families.
• Divorces – 15 children were potential victims of violation of the children’s rights during divorce.
• Doubts for sexual abuse – 3 children were victims of sexual abuse or there is doubt for sexual abuse by some close relative or familiar to the child-victim.
*The contacts are made by direct phone call on the SOS telephone line for children and youth 0800 1 2222, through e-mail :, through the social networks and by visits in our office.