MUST SEE! Scientific Facts in the Qur'an - Pain Receptors

2014-12-09 236

MUST SEE! Scientific Facts in the Qur'an - Pain Receptors

The #Quran is not a book of #science but a book of signs, yet it contains some undeniable facts related to science.

It wasn't until recently that pain receptors in the skin were discovered. Without these pain receptors, a person would not be able to feel pain.

Allah mentioned this in the Qur'an over 1400 years ago.

Allah said:

"Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment.
Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise."
(Qur'an 4:56)

This verse clearly points out that pain is dependent upon the skin and that Allah will replace the skin so that those who disbelieve will feel the pain over and over again.

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