Exodus Gods and Kings: Ridley Scott whitewashes cast and takes God out the parting of the Red Sea

2014-12-09 1

Ridley Scott’s Exodus hits theaters December 12, but probably won’t rain green in the way the he hopes it will.

Exodus appears to be following the footsteps of Darren Aronofsky’s action-packed Noah more so than the biblically accurate and highly lucrative Passion of the Christ. And it probably won’t get a sniff of Cecil B. Demille’s Ten Commandments in terms of box office success. Why? Authenticity.

First off, Exodus’s whitewashed cast doesn’t quite resemble the ancient Egyptians. “I can’t mount a film of this budget, where I have to rely on tax rebates in Spain, and say that my lead actor is Muhammad so-and-so from such-and-such,” Scott told Variety on choosing Christian Bale as Moses. “I’m just not going to get financed.” In other words, “I picked Batman because money.”

Secondly, if you're going to do a biblical story, do a biblical story. Ten Commandments had no trouble quoting scripture AND raking in ungodly profits. But Scott’s version shows the parting of the Red Sea not as divine intervention but more like a natural tsunami. Keep in mind that a natural parting of the sea via tsunami would likely collapse in about 20 minutes.

So with Exodus plagued by a lack of biblical and scientific accuracy, and negative reviews raining in, dreams of the film becoming the cash cow are fading fast. Scott’s attempt to attract both bible thumpers and a more general action-loving audience with Exodus is another example of why Hollywood need to be born-again.


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