Ny Lotto Saturday 06 December 2014 - New York Lotto - Ny Lottery - Ny Lotto - New York Lottery

2014-12-07 56

New York Lotto Results of Day Saturday 06 December 2014, Ny Lottery - Ny Lotto - New York Lottery Credits: http://powerball.center Info: The best US drawing New York Lotto of day Saturday 06 December 2014 was held at the premises with normal development.
New York Lotto ( Ny Lottery games ) is drawn Wednesdays and Saturdays. A $1 play consists of two games. 6 of 59 numbers are drawn, followed by a bonus ball. Matching 3 numbers wins $1; other winners share parimutuel prizes.
As the payout percentage in Ny Lotto is a statutory 40%, sales of the big game have been in a years long decline. The starting Ny Lotto jackpot was reduced

from $3.000.000 million to $2.000.000 (in 26 graduated payments) in April 2013. Thanks giving weekend in 2012; in the late 1990´s, its jackpot was $10.000.000

after only one rollover.