Bio-Engineered 3-D Printed Living Wearables

2014-12-07 54

A team from MIT and two 3-D printing designers collaborated on creating wearables with built-in individual functions meant to sustain life.

Fashion and science have merged to create incredibly intricate, brightly colored and biologically useful wearables.

The Mediated Matter Group at MIT teamed up with two 3-D printing designers to create bio-engineered couture.

The project, known as "Wanderers: Wearables for Interplanetary Pilgrims," created sustainable and futuristic-looking fashion pieces that in the future aims to incorporate living matter.

They were first revealed in the exhibition, "The Sixth Element: Exploring the Natural Beauty of 3D Printing," which took place at EuroMold in Frankfurt, Germany at the end of November.

The wearables are composed of hollow vascular structures designed to hold the living materials that interact with the environment.

Each piece will be capable of performing a different task. For example, some can bio-mineralize in order to strengthen bones, while another can photosynthesize light into energy.

The creators hope this is a stepping stone in generating clothing that will help sustain life when worn in extreme places, such as outer space.

Every item was named after a planet or moon in Arabic, as a way to honor medieval Arabs enchantment with the night sky.

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