The final installment in the trilogy, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies comes out December 17th, but Clint got to see it super early, and now we all hate him. Here’s what he thought!
The final installment in the Hobbit series looks to be our final journey to Middle Earth, and is hoping to be a major tentpole of the Christmas and Holiday Season. So, does it live up to all the expectations placed upon it? Does it justify splitting one novel into three films? How did the HFR (high frame rate) look in this movie? Clint will let you know his thoughts - share yours in the comments below!
Do you have plans to see The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies? What other movies are you going to take in over the Christmas season? Do you think the Hobbit needed to be three movies? Have you read the Hobbit, and are you looking forward to a particular scene still? Have you seen the movie - what did you think?
Let us know in the comments below!
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