Woman Gets Punched In The Face On Live TV

2014-12-06 9

Woman Gets Punched In The Face On Live TV & Everyone Just Seems Cool With It!
Woman gets punched in the face on tv show.
Woman punched in the face on show.

Touch the truck like show where a woman is annoying the crap out of some guy, who then proceeds to smash her on the floor and to punch her in the face.

Person who has hand longest on car, wins the car. Girl was trying to annoy that guy, and get his hand of the car.
You can see her "slapping him with shoe" Guy snapped, took hand of the car and hit.
Rest of girls who had hands on car, said "she deserved it" after she got hit. They are not against guy who hit, they are blaming girl for it.
Guy who is hosting the show, is asking for ambulance and saying that she has broken nose. After 5 seconds he asks if she wants to sit down, girl replys "No" and asks "Why is my nose bleeding"
Im sorry for pretty bad english, too little sleep :)