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Kenyan president Kenyatta "excited" to hear crimes against humanity charges dropped

2014-12-05 354

War crimes prosecutors have dropped charges against Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.

He had been indicted for crimes against humanity for fomenting ethnic violence after the 2007 elections,

Kenyatta said he was “excited” after hearing the news and that he wanted charges against his deputy, William Ruto, dropped too.

In the capital Nairobi , some people were pleased at the result.

One woman said: “I would say that Kenyans… we are happy, our president is back home and he is free and so he can work and he can concentrate on his job.”

Another man said:“It is good that the judges have gone through the evidence and have seen that they cannot sustain the charges and it is also good that the dropping of the charges came from the prosecutor herself.”

Kenyatta denied inciting ethnic violence following the disputed 2007 elections. More than 1,200 people were killed during the violence and 600,000 displaced.

Judges at the Hague said new allegations could be filed if new evidence surfaced.