Daniel Craig and director Sam Mendes revealed the next installment of the James Bond Franchise - "SPECTRE." The duo made the announcement in London on Thursday (December 04). The film will be the 24th in the series and is set for a November 2015 release. The last Bond film, "Skyfall," earned more than 1.1 billion dollars worldwide.
Ed Sheeran was named Spotify's most-played artist of 2014. The British singer-songwriter got 860 million plays on the music-streaming service this year. Sheeran's album "X" was also the most streamed album. Katy Perry was the most streamed female artist on Spotify's Year in Music list.
Chris Rock hit the red carpet in New York to premiere his film, "Top Five." The comedian not only stars in the movie, but also wrote and directed it. The film follows a comedian over the course of one day as he promotes his new film, struggles with addiction and prepares to marry a reality star. It opens on December 12.
New York's most famous Christma