Shanakht mainly deals with the subject of social life in upper-class Pakistan. The story revolves around a young girl named Qurratulain, a devout and practising Muslim. She is shown to often cover her head using a Hijaab as prescribed by her faith. She usually faces strong criticism and objections from her family members over her obsession about being a dutiful Muslim, especially from her liberal-thinking mother.[4] As time progresses, Annie begins to develop feelings for her first cousin Hashim (Noor Hassan). Hashim, though fond of Annie, resents her for religious, and hence out-dated, outlook on life. In a twisted turn of events Hashim sends a wedding proposal for Kashaf, Annie's younger sister, rather than Annie who has always been deemed more compatible with him. Kahshaf outright rejects the proposal. With a broken heart Hashim leaves for England for higher studies where he befriends Rohaan (Fahad Mirza). Rohaan has a pleasant, fun loving personality, but despite this he also believes in adhering to religious teachings in life. Rohaan's friendship gradually changes Hashim, his attitude towards life and religion.