With protests showing little sign of stopping across the US following the Ferguson decision, President Barack Obama has vowed to restore trust between police and minority communities.
A grand jury’s failure to charge a white police officer for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager has sparked a wave of anger which the president promised he would address during his last two years in office.
At a meeting with civil rights and community leaders, President Obama said he would be asking Congress for over $260 million (210m euros) to fund police training and pay for body cameras :
“I’m convinced that if we work hard, that we can
make sure that police officers and the community they serve are partners in battling crime, partners in making sure everybody feels safe, that we can build confidence and we can build trust but it’s not going to happen overnight.”
Obama also added he would set up a task force to look into improving community policing.
At a separate meeting with church leaders,
US Attorney General Eric Holder announced he would soon be releasing guidelines to limit racial profiling by police officers .
But although the response by the Obama administration is the most tangible yet, heckling and jeering greeted some of the initiatives showing that some people are far from convinced .