Michael Brown supporters demand justice across country

2014-12-01 6

Protesters in support of Michael Brown are stopping traffic dead in the road.

They want their message heard loud and clear.


"This has been an issue everywhere, you know it's not just about the Black people, it's about everybody. We're dealing with a social plight everywhere in the United States and if we don't come together as a people then nothing will be done, if we don't come together as a collective nothing will be done."

This protest march through the nation's capital Monday was among dozens that have hit the country since last week's grand jury decision to clear Officer Darren Wilson for Brown's death.

The protesters march to the Department of Justice, where they stage a "die-in."

In New York, demonstrators stage a walk-out, condemning Brown's death, and those of New Yorkers Akai Gurley and Eric Garner, who also died in police-involved incidents.

Chanting the popular Ferguson slogan "H

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