First family helps feed the hungry

2014-11-27 9


STORY: The Obamas helped feed the hungry in southeast Washington, D.C., on Wednesday (November 26) a day before the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.

U.S. President Barack Obama traveled to Bread for the City where he handed out bags of sweet potatoes.

The First Lady Michelle Obama handed out turnips, while their 13-year old daughter, Sasha distributed White House Hershey kisses along with hand-mixed vegetables.

Malia, 16, also joined the family, and her grandmother, Marion Robinson, distributed fresh baked bread to a line of people that stretched outside of the room.

The Obamas wished people a "Happy Thanksgiving" as they handed out food.

According to Bread for the City's website, the group aims to "provide food, clothing, medical care and legal and social services" for vulnerable residents of Washington.