ADNAN OKTAR: Our President Erdoğan should get in contact with Putin nowadays. He should give a guarantee to him and propitiate him. I mean, he should propitiate him saying “Turkey will not leave Russia standing alone!” That would be it. In my opinion, he would be relieved if he could be comforted by Turkey. That is because he is concerned that Syria will be gone and then everywhere will be gone successively. He is concerned that he will be left alone after that. That is why he is behaving so persistently. But if he is given a guarantee of love, a guarantee of friendship. Our President Erdoğan can sign a treaty of friendship as well. We will always remain friends with Russia. For instance, let us say a treaty of friendship can be signed for fifty years. We will protect and watch over them, we will not leave them alone. Our task is compassion and mercy, right? Okay, let our President Erdoğan make an agreement with Russia. We promise you in the Oneness of God that we will protect and watch over you. You can come to Turkey as you like. We will go to Russia as we like. We will not leave you alone. That is it. There is no sense in making him live in this fear. That huge, brave man cried in tears just out of distress. That is a pity. In fact Putin is a very brave honest man. He is very much inclined towards religion. He loves Islam, he loves Christianity, he loves Judaism. He wants all religions to be strong. He feels very annoyed by irreligiousness. But he doesn’t have an attitude that persecutes irreligious people either. He is respectful towards communists as well; he doesn’t say anything against them. He doesn’t accept anarchy and terror. But the cold face of Asia scared him. I mean he is uneasy. He constantly wants to open himself to Europe. For instance, he displays a European spirit. His manners are European. But Europe pulls away as he approaches. That is not acceptable; he should be treated compassionately. Turkey can establish an amazing balance there. Even if Turkey makes an agreement for ten years it would be enough. But let them make an agreement for fifty years so that they can be fully relieved. What is the problem in that, right? A treaty of friendship saying, “We will not leave standing Russia alone!” and that would be it. He would be very relieved and his mind would be opened.