Beauty queens arrive in London for Miss World pageant -- minus one

2014-11-25 13

As 125 beauty queens flock to the birthplace of Miss World in London -- a dark cloud was cast over the event with one missing -- Ms. Honduras, who was found dead just days before.

Maria Jose Alvarado, age 19, was found dead near a river in the mountains of Western Honduras with her sister, Sofia, who was also killed.

Both are suspected victims of a crime of passion, Honduran police say.

Ms. USA, Elizabeth Safrit, extends her heartfelt condolences on behalf of all the contestants.


"Certainly, in the beginning it placed a shadow over it because we were all so looking forward to meeting 126 girls and now we're one less, and it's certainly placed a stronghold on all of our hearts, making us treasure the friendships that we make here even more and treasure our time here even more and not just our time at Miss World but our time on this planet."

As does Ms. China, Du Yang.

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