Last year PETA asked President Obama to put an end to the tradition of pardoning a turkey, but this year they’re appealing to his daughters.
Last year, PETA asked President Obama to put an end to the tradition of pardoning a turkey. Now this year, they’re appealing to his daughters.
Sasha and Malia Obama received a letter from the animal rights organization’s senior manager, Rachelle Owen, asking them to persuade their father to make the ceremony a thing of past.
Since the days of Abraham Lincoln, presidents have been sparing the life of a bird otherwise destined to be part of Thanksgiving Day dinner.
PETA has decided that the practice is offensive and has gone on long enough.
In a letter to the Obama girls, Owen writes, “You come from a family whose members don't hesitate to fight for those who have been oppressed…This year, we would like to ask you to lend your powerful and influential voices to another group whose voices often go unheard: animals."
Her plea comes with a suggestion that this year the First Family opts for a "tofurkey," the tofu-based, vegan poultry alternative.
As it stands, President Obama will be granting the 2014 pardon to a turkey from an Ohio farm that’s in Speaker John Boehner’s district.