Kalista Mid Lane Guide :: League of Legends Tutorial & Gameplay!

2014-11-25 250

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Hey all, thanks for checking out my guide for playing Kalista in the mid lane. I hope you have a lot of fun with it!


8x Greater Mark of Attack Damage
1x Greater Mark of Critical Chance (RNG gods pls)
9x Greater Seal of Armor
9x Greater Seal of Magic Resist
3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed


21/9/0, taking Spell/Blade Weaving and Executioner/Dangerous game over Warlord. I choose Recovery over Enchanted Armour in the defence tree.


I recommend starting with either Boots of Speed, Long Sword or Doran's Blade on Kalista.

Boots of Speed when against strong skillshot pokers (such as Ahri), Long Sword when against heavy harass when quickly building into a Vamp Sceptre is key (such as Zed), and Doran's Blade for strong trades against most other mid laners.


For Kalista, Zeal is as core as it gets. I prefer to build this into Trinity Force to address survivability problems and increase kiting potential, however a Statikk Shiv will also serve you well and help you build up your crits. Lifesteal is pretty much down to your playstyle and preferences, any of the three main lifesteal items will serve you well.


Pick up a Ruined Blade as soon as the enemy team start building armour, but don't rush it if you are lacking defence. You will be focused down hard in fights so it's imperative you aim to survive before maximising DPS.

Optimal Final Build: Boots (situational choice), Trinity Force, Infinity Edge, Essence Reaver/Bloodthirster/Ruined Blade, Defensive item.


Start and max E (Rend) as this is your main harassment tool. Q is a strong poke that allows you to snipe fleeing enemies for the kill
or to land a stack to use your E for the slow. However, it scales with 1.0 AD, meaning even at level 1 it's a strong ability as you
begin to itemise. I recommend taking W at level 3 to watch out for ganks as you lose a lot of mobility when not near a creep wave.
Against junglers with weak ganks pre-6, such as Warwick, you can afford to leave W till level 4 and increase your damage with another point into Rend.


Use your auto-attacks to harass your lane opponent. However, remember you will attract creep aggro, so remember not to attack straight into a large creepline. You can stack a spear on a minion and use your passive to dash forward in range of the enemy laner. Land an attack and Q into the enemy laner, and dash backwards. If you follow this up by executing the minion with your E, you will burst down the enemy laner while keeping your E off cooldown thanks to the minion execute.


Abuse your zoning potential to force an enemy laner back to base. This is the window where you can have extreme presence on the
map, especially if you do it on coordination with your soulbound jungler. Use your W to scout out common counter-gank paths, and win with quantity over quality.


My recommended mid laner Kalista build is a little tankier than a usual ADC Kalista, but you should still be weary about getting trapped in CC. Stick to the edges of the fight, focusing squishy targets while kiting away from enemy bruisers. Picking up Mercury Treads is by no means a bad decision when playing Kalista in the mid lane.

Good luck and have fun with it! It's by no means a competitive or godly choice of champion for mid lane, but it's a lot of fun and
having a soulbound jungler opens a lot of interesting gank paths.

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