Russian Webcam-Streaming Site Taken Down

2014-11-25 5

The Russian website which has been streaming video from breached webcams and baby monitors has been shut down.

The Russian website Insecam, which was streaming video from unsecured webcams and baby monitors, has taken down the live feeds.

About a week ago it was brought to the public’s attention that someone had targeted cameras that had either factory preset passwords or none at all.

Once access to them was gained, the activities they captured were made available to anyone who logged onto the site.

Equipment was compromised in around 250 countries throughout the world. Among them was the US, where over 4500 cyber trespasses occurred.

The individual responsible for the site has since come forward, but is declining to reveal his identity.

When he initially corresponded with reporters from The Telegraph via email he gave no indication that the streaming content would be removed, but it has since been.

In its place is a brief resume introduced by a message that reads, “Programmer is looking for a good remote job.”

There’s an email address provided for those who wish to contact him, but there’s no information about who or where he is.

While that specific site appears to no longer be a problem, it continues to serve as a cautionary tale.

People who haven’t already done so are strongly advised to reset their default passwords.

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