Fill your mind with positive ideas about your ability to lead. Generate massive authority wherever you go. Command infinite respect among your followers. Generate unwavering support and love. For more mind tools, please visit
people follow me
people admire me
people respect me
people believe in me
I am dominant
I am charismatic
I am magnetic
I am powerful
I am intelligent
I am wise
I am strong
I am energetic
I am influential
I am mesmerizing
my presence is dominant
my presence is charismatic
my presence is powerful
my presence is comforting
my presence is soothing
people love to follow me
people love to obey me
people love to listen to me
people love to worship me
people love to honor me
people follow you
people admire you
people respect you
people believe in you
You are dominant
You are charismatic
You are magnetic
You are powerful
You are intelligent
You are wise
You are strong
You are energetic
You are influential
You are mesmerizing
your presence is dominant
your presence is charismatic
your presence is powerful
your presence is comforting
your presence is soothing
people love to follow you
people love to obey you
people love to listen to you
people love to worship you
people love to honor you