【《我们约会吧》 – 20141104 本期看点】 你羞于表达,每次遇见她你都要深呼吸默数一二三才面带微笑说好巧啊你也在这里。 你害怕失望,只好等在大冬天蒙蒙亮的公交站,只为了用惊讶的语调装作与她偶遇。 《我们约会吧+》再次升级,妈妈们退居二线,姑娘们单枪匹马,男嘉宾全副武装,只为今夜约会,我们只谈爱情。
"Take Me Out" 20141104 EP Highlight: Male guests are shy to talk to the girls and have to pretend it is just a coincidence. “Take Me Out” has change some rules again. Moms have leave the stage and the daughters are working their way to find the perfect match in the show.
Take Me Out produced by Hunan TV is an interaction dating reality show since 2010. The show creates a platform based on the social demand on reliable relationship between male and female. The show model leverages interviews and interaction, and invite guests who are single and are craving dating opportunities. New season of Take Me out starts on 9/2/2014, and the new show will feature younger generation of female guests, as well as their mothers to support and give opinion.
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