Satanic bible the book of Belial

2014-11-22 1

The Satanic bible The book of Bellial

'The greatest appeal of magic is not in its application, but in its esoteric meanderings. The
element of mystery which so heavily enshrouds the practice of the black arts has been
fostered, deliberately or out of ignorance, by those who often claim the highest expertise in
such matters. If the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, then established
occultists would do well as maze-makers. The basic principles of ceremonial magic have been
relegated for so long to infinitely classified bits of scholastic mysticism, that the would-be
wizard becomes the victim of the very art of misdirection which he, himself, should be
employing! An analogy may be drawn of the student of applied psychology who, though
knowing all of the answers, cannot make friends.' The Satanic bible p59

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