《我们都爱笑》 Laugh Out Loud: 张阳阳当模特遭彭冠英掀衣露肉 Zhangyang Play Act As A Model 【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20141122

2014-11-22 2

【湖南卫视《我们都爱笑》- 20141122 本期精彩】 爱笑滑溜溜《茶馆》城里的名角小芒果今天演出,曹然然为了看小芒果路晨演出早早地来到了彭冠英家开的茶馆,但曹然然没想到自己的仇家张阳阳也来到茶馆看演出,仇人相见分外眼红,都看上了小芒果的两人最后为了小芒果起了争执,最后彭冠英英雄救美。
Hunan TV's Laugh Out Loud 20141122 EP Highlight: In one of the skits “Tea Room”, Cao Ran Ran arrives Peng Guan Ying’s tea room to view Lu Chen’s performance. He did not expect to see his rival at the same place and put on a fight.

Laugh Out Loud is a comedy sitcom, which invites celebrities to act out four laughing series. Guests are performed without any rehearsal, so it is definitely fun to watch some real live acting. The show is already in its third series and is on air every Wednesday since February 15, 2014.

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