Next Level BS #22: Jonathan Gruber Takes The Heat for Obama Care over "Stupid Voters" Comments

2014-11-20 7

Today on Next Level BS, we take a look at the mess caused by Johnathan Gruber's comments about Obama Care, how it was purposefully crafted to be obtuse, deceptive, and onerous; as well as the off-the-cuff comment heard around the world: American Voters are Stupid. We take our typical deep-dive into the issue, with tons of research and backup for every important point we discovered. If you care about government transparency, the Affordable Care Act, and the nature of Jonathan Gruber's comments, you won't want to miss this episode. And yeah, this is another episode where we expect some serious heat from the political jug-heads out there, we'll let you decide from which side of the fence it'll come.

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