Rome: ICN2 tackles Ebola, nutrition, malnutrition, obesity

2014-11-20 41

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is one issue being discussed at a three-day UN summit in Rome. Health and Agriculture ministers from 170 countries are meeting at the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation.

The second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) aims to tackle nutrition challenges. Eating bushmeat is thought to be the origin of the Ebola outbreak.

Other issues include obesity in some countries and malnutrition in others.

Delegates have pledged to do more to prevent these problems.

“Words are very important but we need actions. As we talk 324 children are dying every hour. And this is not only for not having enough food, but also because they do not have the appropriate food,” said one protester outside the meeting.

Meanwhile in Bangladesh, rates of malnutrition are among the highest in the world. Aquafarming gives these women’s families a balanced diet.

While global hunger has decreased, around half of the world’s population remains affected by nutritional issues.

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