He may be among the world's best beloved bears, but he's also one of the most endangered in new movie "Paddington'.
Nicole Kidman stars as a psychotic taxidermist who wants the cute brown-eyed bear stuffed.
Created by author Michael Bond in the 1950s, the film brings the character right up-to-date, with a computer-generated star.
For the cast, led by British actor Hugh Bonneville, he was represented during filming with a stick.
SOUNDBITE, Hugh Bonneville, actor, saying (English):
"Sometimes we'd have a stick with a bit of sticky tape on it at 3ft 6 high, or sometimes nothing at all. So it was a combination and a lot of projected imagination (laughs), so yes technically it was quite complicated."
The key role of voicing Paddington went to British actor Ben Wishaw after Colin Firth's deeper voice didn't quite work out during rehearsals, according to director Paul King.
SOUNDBITE, Paul King, director, saying:
"I sat down with Colin over a ma