bravo - na lunnij svet - in the moonlight - браво - на лунний свет

2014-11-29 1


Teplyj veter UNOSIT pyl'
Na KRAJ zemli za mnogo mil',
Warm wind BLOWS dust
At the END of the earth for many miles,

Za PREDELY dalekix stran,
V c'i BEREGA b'et okean.
BEYOND distant lands,
on whose SHORES beat the ocean.

Teplyj veter uneset v pyl' RASPAVHIESQ sny,
Stav PYLINKOJ na vetru, ULECU na svet Luny…
Warm wind will blow the dust of DECAYED dreams
Becoming a SPECK OF DUST in the wind, WILL FLY in the light of the moon ...

V monotonnoj CEREDE dlinnyx dnej, korotkix let,
NEZAMECENNYJ nikem, POLECU na lunnyj svet.
In a monotonous SERIES of long days, short years
UNNOTICED by anyone, I'LL FLY in the moonlight.

V strannom sne PRIDU k tebe,
CTOBY rasskazat' PRO étot veter
In a strange dream I WILL COME to you,
TO tell you ABOUT this wind

Cto neset nas SLOVNO pyl',
S TEX por kak my wivem na svete…
That carries us LIKE dust,
SINCE we live in the world ...

Teplyj veter UNESET v PYL' raspavhiesq sny,
Stav PYLINKOJ na vetru, ULECU na svet Luny…
Warm wind WILL BLOW the DUST of decayed dreams
Becoming a SPECK OF DUST in the wind, will FLY in the light of the moon ...

V monotonnoj cerede DLINNYX dnej, KOROTKIX let,
nezamecennyj NIKEM, polecu na LUNNYJ SVET.
In a monotonous series of LONG days, SHORT years
unnoticed BY ANYONE, I'll fly in the MOONLIGHT.

Teplyj veter uneset v pyl' raspavhiesq sny,
Kak pylinki na vetru poletim na svet Luny…

V monotonnoj cerede dlinnyx dnej, korotkix let,
My uxodim v vysotu, my spehim na lunnyj svet…

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