Reham Khan with Husband Ijaz Rehman and daughter Inaya in 2005, Also dancing with unknown man at a wedding in UK

2014-11-18 21

Reham Khan in light purple clothes with her husband Ijaz Rehman at a desi wedding in 2005 in Lincolnshire.Husband is standing on her right in white shalwar kameez.. Her youngest daughter inaya rehman comes over with her milk bottle and Reham is seen taking her away. Later she dances with unknown man ( believed to be Shoaib Mufti) .Reham Khan and her husband Ijaz Rehman are now divorced, He is a psychiatrist in the UK, they have 3 children together Sahir Rehman (21 yrs old), Ridha Rehman (18 yrs old) and Inaya Rehman ( 12 yrs old)Video sent by Reham's friend. — at Hull.