If you believe you can make money, you will. This will fill your brain with positive expectations of your birthright as a wealth generating prosperity machine. To learn more, please visit
Subliminal Messages:
you are money
I am money
you attract money
I attract money
you attract prosperity
I attract prosperity
everything you touch turns to money
everything I touch turns to money
money finds you
money finds me
money loves you
money loves me
you've got a money mind
I've got a money mind
your mind is money
my mind is money
your life is money
my life is money
your life is abundance
my life is abundance
every day you have more and more money
every day I have more and more money
every day your prosperity grows
every day my prosperity grows
you have unlimited income
I have unlimited income
you are a money genius
I am a money genius
You are a money magnet
I am a money magnet
you attract huge piles of money
I attract huge piles of money
you attract huge piles of wealth
I attract huge piles of wealth