How to avoid credentialing delays?

2014-11-17 15

Today’s healthcare organizations are consistently getting larger, in terms of the number of physicians within their group or network. With this growth come additional and time-consuming administrative hassles, such as provider credentialing.
Verifying the credentials of an individual physician can take up to six months, and delays in the process can lead to lost revenue, unhappy patients, delayed payments, internal referral roadblocks, increases in out-of-network services, as well as coverage and referral issues. The July/August issue of the Journal of Healthcare Billing and Management Association (JHBMA) featured a cover story titled “Delegated Credentialing for ACOs and Other Integrated Delivery Models.”
The article does a superb job of detailing how provider organizations can potentially avoid these credentialing delays and issues by taking matters into their own hands and implementing a delegated credentialing program.