G20 vows to boost global growth as summit ends in Brisbane

2014-11-16 261

The G20 summit in Australia has ended with a pledge by world leaders to boost economic growth and create jobs.

The heads of the 20 largest economies promised measures to increase output by more than two percent by 2018.

There was sharp criticism of Russia, accused of destabilising eastern Ukraine.

President Obama said the West would continue to impose sanctions unless Vladimir Putin changed tack.

“If he continues down the path that he is on – violating international law, providing heavy arms to separatists in Ukraine, violating an agreement he agreed to just a few weeks ago, the Minsk Agreement, then the isolation that Russia in currently experiencing will continue,” the US leader said.

The Russian president left the summit early in what observers saw as a protest.

But he described the gathering as constructive and said there was a good chance the Ukrainian conflict it could be resolved.

The final communique doesn’t mention Ukraine.

Australia’s leader preferred to focus on the summit’s economic pledges, which are also aimed at reducing inequality and poverty.

“This year, the G20 has delivered real, practical outcomes and, because of the efforts that the G20 has made, this year, culminating in the last 48 hours, people right around the world are going to be better off and that’s what it’s all about,” Prime Minister Tony Abbott said.

The leaders also promised “strong and effective action” on climate change, an issue Australia had tried to keep off the agenda.

It was included after what EU officials described as “trench warfare negotiations” between the hosts, and the US and European countries.

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