New Video Shows Sea Otter Pup 681 Thriving At Shedd Aquarium

2014-11-14 265

Many of you may recall the baby named pup 681 that made headlines a few days ago. Now, the pup is learning how to swim.

A sea otter pup at Chicago's Shedd Aquarium is melting hearts across the world. Many of you may recall the baby named pup 681 that made headlines a few days ago.

Now, the pup is learning how to swim.

Footage has been released showing what playtime is like for the creature. After being bottle-fed by a staffer, the pup was placed into a pool of water. She floated around for a bit and munched on snacks given to her by an employee.

Once her tummy was full, the adorable pup chased around a toy lobster and a basketball. She seemed to take a special liking to the ball, as she latched onto it and then pushed it around with her nose.

After getting tired out, she climbed out of the water and onto a towel to dry off.

Pup 681 was found abandoned in California in September.

Staffers from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife transported her to Monterey Bay Aquarium where she received care for about a month. She was then introduced to her forever home at Shedd Aquarium on October 28th.