Hilary Swank stars in "The Homesman" - the story of a spirited woman who takes it on herself to escort three women suffering from mental problems across perilous countryside to a safehouse.
Although the film was originally launched in Cannes, since then Swank has made a shocking discovery.
SOUNDBITE: Actress, Hilary Swank, saying (English):
"My dad brings me a history of our family, of the Swanks and I read it like three days ago and it completely parallels this movie. One of my ancestors, they were on horses and the Indians came and shot at their horse and she rode the horse as long as she could until her horse fell over and had to, like, hide in a cave. I mean, the times were so dangerous and my dad has no idea what the movie is about."
The film was written and directed by Tommy Lee Jones.
He also plays Swank's rough-around-the-edges companion on her travels.
He believes the story which shows the struggles of women at the time still resonates today