Moses Kainwo - THE SONG OF A SHEEP (Based on Psalm 23)

2014-11-10 1

The Lord is my Captain, I shall not drift.

He assigns me a quiet cabin,
Speaks to me through the sea shells,

And my soul now has a heart.
His name in my ears is a call to righteous steps.
Yes, His name is a command.

Though I am overwhelmed by shocks,
I am not disappointed;
For you wait beside me,
Serving soft counsel,
So I am not impeached.

Your blessings come upon me like rain,
That wets my head in the dreams of my enemies.
My shower cap gives way to your anointing touch,
And my cup of oil overflows.

Surely I shall remain blest
All the days that greet me,
And I will stay
In my God-given cabin,
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

Moses Kainwo