Happiness is the blossoming of soul,
Opening out of the petals of heart;
Happiness sheds light from inside
To share it with the world around;
Happiness is gentle spring from soul,
That fills world with sprinkles of joy;
Happiness is sharing, embracing all
While strains, removed, relief comes.
Rest on the crest of the time's tides,
Happiness springs to dip to trough;
Gentle flame, happiness; sacred fire,
Dips, vanishes when its cause is lost;
Ephemeral indeed, but eternal at core,
It sprouts new life, adds light to life;
Happiness, heaven of transient spread,
But heaven indeed, with immortal depth.
Happiness is release, happiness, rapport,
Happiness in essence is finding oneself;
Shedding outgrowths is true happiness,
Finding oneself in pure natural glory;
Some find it outside, some find inside,
But all as reflections of the inner gestalt;
Happiness is fulfilment of inner dreams,
Sensing one's moves nearer to the goals.
Happiness is joy, and happiness is dance,
Happiness, wildfire; catches all around;
Happiness, pied piper, leads from front,
All acts and moves, all struggles in life;
Happiness is king who reigns mankind,
To share him with, all struggles to live;
Happiness is fuel that runs life's engine,
All seek its streak from grief's wilderness.
Praveen Kumar In Celestial Glow