Pratheek Praveen Kumar - THE JOY OF ACHIEVEMENT

2014-11-10 24

Very sweet indeed is the joy of achievement,
A joy that is truly God-sent,
Something that causes us to be happy for long,
And causes us to break out in song.

The joy of a job well done,
Is the best of joys under the Sun,
Anyone would rather have it indeed,
To eternal happiness does it lead.

Rare indeed is this particular joy,
We cannot it lend or buy,
Something that comes after hard work,
For a hard worker everywhere it does lurk.

The fruit of tiresome years,
That comes amidst apprehensions and fears,
It is sweeter than any known fruit,
A hard worker it does properly suit.

A joy sweet it indeed is,
It causes one to have a feeling of bliss,
Something that is rarer than gold,
That gives joy untold.

Pratheek Praveen Kumar