Lonnie Hicks - My Grandmother Used to Say

2014-11-10 5

My grandmother used to say
you can't threaten
a poor man with poverty
a loveless soul with loneliness
a hard heart with pitilessness
because all these
are never noticed by those
already far gone.

You don't bring coals to Newcastle
bride an honest man
teach character-
that is something which must be lived-
Never try she would say
to be young past your age
kiss evil on the mouth
break the golden rule

Never kick a person when they are down
take victory laps
brag over small successes
Never tell your truth and ignore
the truth of others
think that you are the smartest person in the room
at all times;

My grandmother used to say.

she would say
that when you die
your only chance to live forever
is to spend you life
loving others.
My Grandmother used to say.

Lonnie Hicks
