I don't know about what a way to feel?
Not to express in open but still!
I earnestly feel that she belongs to me
Only she has to respond and make me feel free
"She will come like rain and shower"
"Deplete all her energy and power"
Such words from her drive me to craziness
But I get lost in her glitter and shining face
"I love you" may come to me as recognition
That shall clam me down and need no ignition
She has descended from far and distant land
Taken a vow to stand fast till the end
"Only your picture of thumb impression" I plead
She opens her eyes and coolly tries to read
Extends her hand and invites me to lead
I pick the chance and tie a knot with thread
I float on water with no wish for any more ground
She is there for me to be always found
I can't afford to loose her at any time
Such thoughts invade my mind many a times
Will she emerge on my eye window screen?
What will she be looking like when actually seen?
So far she has eluded me from seeing her in real
Beauty is hidden purposefully and concealed
"I am here" open your eyes and see it happen
You have pulled me near heart is taken
I am at your gate point and wait for entry
What will you be doing to lift me and carry?
Her magical words hunt my memory
I try to pick each word but feel sorry
She is no where around but airs the presence
"I want to see you by chance" and at once
hasmukh amathalal