Somewhere roads go away
From fears, greed and foul play,
They pass the trees under the sky,
Where lonely hearts prefer to cry.
They pass a lot of sleepy stars,
Afraid of pain, life mars.
They go through silent holy thoughts,
Try to destroy the people`s plots.
The roads meet all other worlds,
Sing song with strange unusual words,
They just flow down or go up
And bring to us life golden cup.
They make a fortune and the death,
Contain lots of glory mess,
They go through life with our choice
Create in mind happy noise.
We walk this road trying to find
The way we get of wonder kind.
Sometimes we go, sometimes we stay,
Sometimes we think or nonsense say.
The roads go with us to dream,
Which always are amazing, slim.
They make us go without tears,
When we`re along and full of fears.
They are alive with our dread,
But bring the light for sleepy head.
And if we see the way of roads,
We understand a sense of loads.
Ekaterina Polischuk