hasmukh amathalal - Stand For Trial

2014-11-10 0

Millions on this beautiful land may be wishing
Love to live more among their brethrens and perishing
Attached to the sentiments with no intention to depart
Stay there as it is and breathe as inseparable part

Alas! If that was the option available with us
No one could have thought of leaving with good trust
As life was proving meaningful in many ways
To leave it in between could have been unbearable thought in any way

So to say life is precious matter to be concerned with
We see many of our close friends leaving world with doubts on faith
Yet that cycle never stops and hunts mind of human being
Life has to end for poor, down trodden or even for mighty king

As we excel in our performance, there has to be some one to ask
For our success or failure after finishing the venture or task
If it is not then it may prove unproductive and less rewarding
As it may become then routine and noted with no wordings

So what next after leaving this beautiful universe?
Many epic books reveal about it in their verses
We can imagine about another world to go and stand for trial
If that is what is to be believed despite offering denials

It is nice to have some fear in the mind about good deeds
It is not the aim of life to live long on nourishment and food
Some worthwhile thing too must be performed on limited scale
Face must shine with happiness for good work and for bad turn pale

Nothing more or extra ordinary is needed
Only some humanitarian aspects to be heeded
Many may be starving and dying unnatural death
Let us pray for their well being even with any faith

hasmukh amathalal
