Lois Mae Chavis Alexander - I run

2014-11-10 5

I run
I run from your forceful hands
The ones you use to take control of me
The ones that lock this bedroom door so I can't escape
The ones that on a good day gently stroke my hair and hold me close
The ones I both fear and love

I run
I run from your malicious words
The ones that make me cry myself to sleep at night
The ones that tell me you didn't mean it
The ones that turn around and say it again
The ones I've learned to believe

I run
I run from the emotions you've left me with
The ones that haunt my dreams at night
The ones that I try to hide
The ones that cause these tears
The ones I know are real

I no longer run
I no longer run from your hands
They can't hurt me now
I no longer run from your words
They can't break me now
I no longer run from my emotions
I accept them now

Lois Mae Chavis Alexander
