Alice Duer Miller - A Dialouge

2014-11-10 7

HE: I am in trouble, give me your advice.
SHE: No, for I'm sure 'twould not be carried out.
HE: It shall, I swear it shall, at any price.
SHE:If that's agreed, what is this all about?
HE:How can I win a woman who is fair
And cold?
SHE:Be colder.
HE:But she's proud as well.
SHE:Be prouder.
HE:But she does not seem to care,
Nor notice when I'm near.
SHE:How can you tell
Whether she does or not, until you've tried
Not being near? Avoid her, let her see
The change, and should chance place you at her side,
Be colder, prouder, civiler than she.
HE: But if she cares...
SHE: Then it will break her heart,
Which will be easier won.
HE: 'Tis too severe
On me: I could not.
SHE:Then you'd better part.
HE:Is this your counsel? Well, good-by, my dear.
SHE:Stay, there's one thing to do before you go.
HE: What?
SHE:lf you really love her, tell her so.
Perhaps you'll find her kinder than you know.

Alice Duer Miller

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