Shelcy Joseph - Reasons Why I Write

2014-11-10 1

I write to preserve the remnants of orthography
That our generation is losing slowly
I write to express what most of us try to hide
In hopes of keeping our pride
I lay down the hurtful words for them
So it can ease the pain buried within them
I write to free myself from the weight
The outside world has come to create
I write to get rid of the pressure
That life makes all of us endure
I write when I feel lonely
It makes me enjoy my company
I write when things don't feel right
It helps me see them in a brighter light
I write to create my world of peace
In which talent, thoughts and love could bloom
Writing keeps my spirit lifted
And it's the proof that I have once existed
I write to spread the hope around
I write to inspire, I write to empower

Shelcy Joseph

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