Things I'd like to see
A congressman with cojones
A president with pride
A government less regulated
And no agendas to hide
American children having enough to eat
Less homeless families living on the street
Senators and congressmen taking the places
In war of all of our young boys of all races
Jobs that pay a little less in some cases
So those same jobs aren't exported to other places
Tighter borders, to keep out the ones
who only enter this country to bear daughters and sons
C, E, O's that refuse that huge bonus
And take huge pay cuts instead
Oil rigs drilling to remove the onus
Of the Arabian axes that hang over our head
Young Americans in college, instead of in khaki
Politicians who care instead of acting wacky
Our troops being put only on an American shore
To die wantonly, wastefully, nevermore
How to see these thing?
Bring our boys home. NOW!
Keep them home. FOREVER!
Keep our jobs home. NOW!
Keep U.S dollars home. FOREVER!
No more foreign aid. EVER!
Legal immigration only. RIGHT NOW!
Let all countries pursue their own fate. HOWEVER!
Elect only politicians who put America first. FOREVER!
Build and maintain an invincible military. ON THIS CONTINENT ONLY!
Never again enter an unwinnable war. DON'T EVEN ENDEAVOR!
Put our education system and children first. PLEASE ENDEAVOR!
Never let a millionaire or national company pay less taxes than your average citizen. NEVER!
Will we see these reasonable, righteous things in our lifetimes?
Nope! …No way in hell! …Never, never ever!
David Whalen