I am but a girl who loved my brother.
Who loved her sister.
And who loved her country.
And if I am to be punished for what I believe in then so be it.
I am a princess who wishes to speak her mind.
And if thy are not willing to listen then I shall speak even louder.
For what I have to say needs to be heard.
My brothers died in an unfitting way.
For they each took the life of the other.
And left me and Ismene here all alone.
So hear my final words I will honor my brothers.
Both of them, in every way I believe to be true.
My brothers died and left but they left as heroes.
And because of that, I shall grant both of you
Your passage to the heavens.
I shall fight against what I am told.
I will be strong.
And now I will be soon joining you.
My brothers.
My father.
My mother.
I will be in the kingdom of Zeus soon.
Where I shall be with my family.
Where I shall look down upon
My darling sister Ismene and
Pray that she lives on the life that I wish I had.
She shall carry on the story of our family.
So that our tragic story shall never be done again.
This is my final goodbye.
This is my final stand that I shall make.
Kelsea Osterman