Come Holy Spirit to this place
Come fill this place with fire
To cleanse us, shake us,
Fill with awe, Your presence
Your desire.
You have been sent to teach all things
To comfort and to show
It's not by power or by might
But by the Spirit now.
When Jesus was upon the earth
He said the Comforter would come
To only those who would believe
And be witness of His Son.
You think there may be other ways
To the Father, please take heed.
Jesus said "I am the way, the
Truth, the Life no other you will need.
We fight not flesh, but powers unseen
And principalities of might.
But Jesus resurrection showed
The devils must take flight.
Oh, Father God, my strength, my shield
I worship You this day
Though time is passing quickly now
Your Kingdom come today!
©Copyright,12/1994, Kathryn Tyler Little
Kathryn King