Kelsea Osterman - Brothers till the End

2014-11-10 4

Taken from me and returned to our mother Hera.
You were my brothers by blood and at heart.
And now you lay separate,
Only one is allowed to return to the heavens,
And the other forced to remain here.
Forced to be scowled at and hated.
For you met in battle in which you ended both your lives.
You both fought for what you believed was right.
Some believe it to have been a pointless battle,
But I know better.
You both had a purpose in it.
And because that purpose I believe you lived your lives just right.
You fulfilled your destiny.
And now you are to be put to bed for the last time.
I wished to give you both coins for your journey back home.
And now that you are gone you should both be laid at rest.
But I am forced to honor only one of you.
I am forced to only send one of you home.
The one who is said to die with honor.
The one who is granted a way into the heavens.
And the other is to lie and rot because of his so called treason.
But I shall not stand by.
I shall not let some law stop what is right.
I shall return both of you to Hera.
You shall both cross the river with Charon.
For you are both of my blood and both deserve to live forever.
And with this I give my promise to reunite you both.

Kelsea Osterman

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