Valerie Dohren - Can You See

2014-11-10 4

Can you hear a gentle breath
Through fields of golden corn

Can you hear the willow shed
Her tears of dew at dawn

Can you hear a baby cry
A baby yet unborn

Shall you touch a drifting cloud
Floating `cross the skies

To swiftly touch the dancing flames
Reflected in your eyes

And so to touch a ray of light
As o`er the land it flies

And shall you speak of distant dreams
And of life`s turning wheels

Shall you speak of that great love
The veil of death conceals

Shall you speak of thine own self
That truth alone reveals

Where hangs the perfume of a rose
Before it comes to bloom

And where the fragrance of the night
Your spirit to consume

Should e`er the scent of beauty fade
Then will we sleep too soon

Can you see the smallest star
Refulgent in the night

Can you see a butterfly
Flash by you, fast in flight

Can you see the spark of truth
Behold glorious light

Valerie Dohren